Miss Bowler
How long have you worked at St Cuthbert's?
13 years
Can you share a favourite memory about St Cuthbert's?
My absolute favourite memory at St Cuthberts was the Hope House balloon race. It was a really special and moving event as parents dedicated their balloons to a particular loved one who they had lost. Parents, students and staff really invested in the event and Willowbrook Hospice were heavily involved too. The whole house released balloons with dedications on but also their was an element of fun in that the tags attached had a return address on and we received contact from right across Europe as to where the balloons had landed. The students were fascinated that the balloons had travelled so far. Some of the returns had wonderful letters attached. A fantastic day in the true spirit of St Cuthbert’s and the local community!
What made you go into teaching/working in a supporting role in school?
The students. I completed a placement here and it was very plain to see that we have really amazing children in our school.
What is the best bit of advice you can give to your students?
Reach as high as you possibly can and if you don’t get there you’ll be much nearer than you would if you didn’t try.
What do you enjoy most about working at St Cuthbert's?
I enjoy working with the students more than anything. They are honest, funny, and willing to reflect on themselves and their actions. I love the fact that the key to their success comes through the relationships we have with them ,as this is incredibly rewarding for me as a member of teaching staff, as well as for the students.