Miss Marshall
How long have you worked at St Cuthbert's?
10 years
Can you share a favourite memory about St Cuthbert's?
When Core staff used to host Y6 sleep overs in Lindisfarne hotel! Either that or when they used to serve chicken mayonnaise baguettes….they were delicious!
What made you go into teaching/working in a supporting role in school?
I had a really positive school experience all the way through primary and secondary school so maybe that contributed to it? I enjoyed school and made the most of it, I could never see myself leaving. I wanted to give young people a positive learning experience that was similar to the one that I received. But if you ask my mum and dad, they will say I was always going to be a teacher as I used to ‘play’ school from an early age!
What is the best bit of advice you can give to your students?
Make the most of school life always! Get involved with everything possible, school is a good place to try new things and it gives you lots of opportunities to visit places, meet new people and gain life experience.
What do you enjoy most about working at St Cuthbert's?
That every day is different! The staff are amazing and the students are fantastic. There is something about St Cuthbert's that is different to other schools, we are definitely unique.