Miss Moa
How long have you worked at St Cuthbert's?
September 2004
Can you share a favourite memory about St Cuthbert's?
Watching Mr Anderson carry the Olympic Torch in 2012 surrounded by his colleagues. I was especially proud because I had started the application for him to do this, and was so glad that he got the chance to do this
What made you go into teaching/working in a supporting role in school?
Growing up in an area very similar to St Cuthbert’s, I can appreciate how important it is to have a strong start through school and have role models in teachers that can guide you.
What is the best bit of advice you can give to your students?
Make the most of every opportunity. Don’t be afraid to be different and always think about others
What do you enjoy most about working at St Cuthbert's?
That there still remains a feeling of family.