Parents and Carers

Parents and Carers

As parents and carers you play a vital part in ensuring your child gains the best information, advice and guidance to prepare them for life once they leave St Cuthbert’s both with the skills they have developed and the knowledge they have.  Therefore, this website should provide you with all the information you need to help support you and enable you to take an active role in your child’s Careers Education. Understanding the changes in the Labour Market is equally important as knowing the education providers that are available, as it is this information on the growth market that may help develop a successful career.


As Parent and Carers you are also welcome to receive any Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance that you wish to receive. We have plenty of information, prospectuses and resources to help you create a CV and prepare for job or college interviews, so please feel free to contact the designated CEIAG to find out more.


Our partnership with Career Connect also provides Parent and Carers with the opportunity to seek professional guidance from a qualified Careers Adviser. Again, any further information you require for this, please contact the CEIAG lead.


CEIAG Entitlement Statement for Students and their Parents and Carers


All learners at St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School will:

Take part in a careers programme in years 7-11 that helps them to:

  • Understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities
  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
  • Access relevant information and learning from taster activities and experience
  • of work
  • Make and maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success
  • Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve the careers programme

Have access to, and support with using careers information that is:

  • Easy to find and available at convenient times and in convenient locations, including on the internet
  • Clearly labelled and referenced
  • Comprehensive, giving details of all progression opportunities and associated support arrangements such as financial help
  • Unbiased and up to date

Obtain careers guidance that is:

  • Impartial
  • Confidential
  • Focused on individual needs and fit for purpose
  • Supportive of equal opportunities
  • Provided by people with relevant training and expertise



All parents and carers can expect to: 

  • Be able to make an appointment with a member of staff or specialist independent and impartial Careers Adviser to discuss their child’s progress and prospects
  • Have access to tutors, subjects, learning partners and specialist advisers at parents’ evenings in years 7-11 and Options evenings in year 9.
  • Request to look at schemes of work and careers activities, information and resources, using and contributing to them if they wish.
  • Can comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to their child and how it could be improved.




National Careers Week 2023 - guide to parents