The Melrose Centre is an educational provision for students who are unable to access mainstream education for a number of different reasons, or who are unsuited to the mainstream provision on offer.
"Leaders ensure that behaviour is well managed around the school. Teachers use sanctions and rewards appropriately. The school's inclusion base, The Melrose Centre, is used effectively to help pupils manage their own behaviour." Ofsted, July 2022
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The Melrose Centre will run alongside and compliment the school's embedded Behaviour Policy; it will be an ever-evolving process, which is part of the school's ethos and strategic vision.
For those students who persistently fall short of expected standards, and when all other avenues have been tried, they will be referred to The Melrose Centre. Here, students will have time to reflect on their choice of behaviour whilst giving them tangible strategies for future use. Students’ engagement in the programme will determine their length of placement in The Centre. Individual needs will continue to be met, students will have access to a curriculum and teaching methods appropriate to their needs.
The school recognises that there is a need to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive and accessible, providing opportunities for all students to succeed. Moreover, we recognise the need to offer the type of provision that allows some students to achieve their potential in a different learning environment.
To facilitate this individual learning pathway, students who have struggled to reach their potential in a school based environment, will access The Melrose Centre.
Further information about The Melrose Centre will be added to this page shortly.