The Prospectus


Find out more about our range of subjects.



Religious Education at St Cuthbert’s gives our students valuable insights into the diverse beliefs and opinions held by people today in a wide range of communities. It helps their own personal development and supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions that surface again and again in their lives.

Mrs N McDonagh

Curriculum Leader RE with Strategic Lead for Catholic Life

Both English Literature and English Literature open up a world of inspiration and creativity and provide the building blocks and rules we need to communicate. These are essential for our young people in today's global environment.

Mrs A M Carney

Curriculum Leader English

Studying Maths helps our students to find patterns and structure and gives them the power to discover and identify essential, practical information in their day-to-day lives.

Mrs S Weir

Curriculum Leader Mathematics

Science at St Cuthbert’s helps our students to understand the world around them and allows them to develop patience and perseverance. It also pushes them to be organised research and form their own opinions.

Mr C Liptrot

Curriculum Leader Science

Art encourages self-expression and creativity which builds confidence in our young people. It also helps students to develop their critical thinking and give them the ability to interpret the world and community around them.

Mr M Kersey-Brown

Curriculum Leader Art

All students at St Cuthbert's take part in a careers programme from Years 7-11 that helps them to understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities. It also develops the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression.

Miss N Ward

Personal Development Leader and Teacher of PE and Health and Social Care

Computing is an essential skill for daily life and enables students to gain access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. At KS4 (Y10 and Y11) students have the option to study either Creative Media or Computer Science.

Mrs Z Freeman

Curriculum Leader Computing

Studying Drama at St Cuthbert’s develops verbal and non-verbal communcation skills for our students as well as tolerance and empathy which are skills for living.

Mrs A Dixon

Curriculum Leader Expressive Art

Food is one of the basic necessities of life. Studying food allows our students to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. At KS4 (Y10 and Y11) students have the opportunity to study Food Preparation and Nutrition equipping them with the knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to feed themselves and others better.

Mrs C Holden-Locke

Curriculum Leader Technology and Food

Geography is a dynamic subject which allows our young people to become more worldly, so they can understand different cultures and communities.

Miss M Langan

Curriculum Leader Geography

Healthy Living is covered across the school in a range of activities, from being integrated into various subjects to our whole school Health Day where we invite specialists in to provide students with the most current information and methods to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Miss N Ward

Personal Development Leader and Teacher of PE and Health and Social Care

Health & Social Care focuses on giving our young people key life skills such as communication, analysis and problem-solving and the knowledge and understanding of how to apply them to real-life scenarios.

Mr G Mearns

Curriculum Leader PE, Health and Social Care and BTEC QN

Studying History means our students explore exciting past events by putting them into perspective and questioning what they are told. This enables them to understand the wider world.

Mrs H Brown

Curriculum Leader History

Music at St Cuthbert’s enhances learning and communication skills as well as self-esteem, making it a meaningful and gratifying experience for our students.

Mrs A Dixon

Curriculum Leader Expressive Art

Alongside providing our students with the best education, we give them the information and advice that will see them through to adulthood and allow them to become responsible and caring citizens in society.

Miss N Ward

Personal Development Leader and Teacher of PE and Health and Social Care

PE is based around health and well-being and supports the rest of our curriculum's vision to enable everyone to become confident, connected and well-rounded young people.


Mr G Mearns

Curriculum Leader PE, Health and Social Care and BTEC QN

Spanish at St Cuthbert's develops four new skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing and is the perfect way for our students to meet and converse with new people and discover new cultures.

Mrs D Hudson

Curriculum Leader Modern Languages

Technology is a practical and valuable subject. It enables our young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves and their community.

Mrs C Holden Locke