Holiday Activities and Food across St Helens Borough

Funded by the Department for Education, the St Helens Council FREE Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) programme was a huge success this summer providing healthy food and enriching activities for primary and secondary school aged children eligible for benefits related free school meals.

The aim of the HAF programme is to support children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition as well as be more engaged with school and other local services.

Is my child eligible?

The HAF programme is primarily for children aged 5-16 years who are eligible for and receiving benefits-related free school meals (FSM), and their families.

Please note that not all activity providers will be able to accommodate the full age range of the programme. Please check with the provider what age group is appropriate to their activity.

Click here to access the programme: Holiday Activities & Food Programme - St Helens Council


If your child isn't eligible, you can access family festive activities and attractions taking place in St Helens over the Christmas holidays.