Sustainability Group shine at LJMU

Over the last few weeks our Sustainability Group have been looking at reducing and reusing waste, as a way of reducing poverty.

They have been researching about local homelessness and support shelters and decided they wanted to help the local Teardrops Organisation. 

They have been collecting donations from family and friends, along with doing a bake sale to raise extra funds. 

Last Friday they were able to drop off 100s of items of food, drink, clothing and toiletries to Teardrops in St Helens.

Today they attended a conference at Liverpool John Moores University to share their work from this year with other schools in the North West.

Miss Delohery, Teacher of Geography said: "Many of the other students and teachers complimented our fantastic students' passion of wanting to help those less fortunate - it was brilliant to see!"

The Sustainability Group and Miss Delohery would like to thank everyone for any donations and supporting the bake sale.