This week we celebrated our very first School Values day. Following a different kind of timetable than usual, all students took part in a variety of workshops and sessions throughout the day, designed to encourage us all to think more deeply about the true meaning of our school values: courage; compassion; commitment and community.
From a fun walk, to art sessions, cooking workshops and samba sessions, our children were also lucky enough to to meet Chip and Ben, and hear about the amazing work happening each day with charities such as Mary's Meals and SVP.
Collaboration in the classroom! Our students were challenged to design and create the best shoe within an hour slot.
Chip and Ben provided a fantastically fun and thought provoking session for all our year groups.
We finished the morning sessions with a beautiful whole school Mass, which gave us time to reflect on how we can live out our school values each day, as individuals, and as a school community.
It was truly a fabulous day all round!
A time for reflection and collective worship during out whole school Mass.
Our Chaplaincy Team, who were a tremendous help throughout the Values Celebration Day, and some of our fabulous guests.