On Thursday we hosted our Annual Sports Awards Evening. The event was a huge success and it was so fabulous to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our students through Physical Education this Year.
Congratulations to Evie Cl, who won the Sports Person of the Year Award, Kendall T for second place, and Zuzanna S, for coming in third.
There were a host of awards presented throughout the evening. A special well done to Jayden N, Ben N and Lois W, who were all shortlisted to the final 6 nominees for the Sports Person of the Year Award title.
Thank you to everyone involved in making the St Cuthbert's Annual Awards Evening a very special night for our students.
Year group Superstar in PE Award winners
Team of the Year Award - Year 7/8 Girls Football Team
We would like to say a huge thank you to Faye Gaskin, who attended the evening as our special guest speaker, and also presented the awards to our students.
PE Ambassador Awards winners
Special Contribution to PE Award winner - Ruby C
More photos can be found on the school Facebook and Instagram pages, Including the photographs of the Year group Superstar Award winners.
Celebrating a year of success and achievement in Physical Education.
It was fantastic to see the event so well attended by parents, carers and our St Cuthbert's community.
PE Achievement Award winners
PE Recognition Award Winners
A Special Contribution to PE Award was presented to Ruby C, and congratulations to our Girls Year7/8 Footballers, who won the Team of the Year Award.
The stage was set for a very special evening