Our Year 7 and 8 boys experienced a real treat this week as Graham Roberts from the Saints Foundation visited our school to deliver some top tips and expert advice in the field of Rugby League. Graham will be coming into our school on a twice weekly basis up until Christmas to support and nurture boys Rugby League development in Years 7, 8 and 9.
Even the torrential rain outside didn't dampen the boys' excitement or enjoyment of the sessions. Using indoor space, Graham focussed on tackling techniques this week, introducing new challenges to our young Rugby League stars in the making. It was fantastic to watch our pupils rise to these challenges with such a sense of vigour and fun!
"I like the session because it taught us how to secure the ball and other simple rugby skills to help us improve and get better."
K. Flannery
"I liked this session a lot because it taught us how to tackle and what to do if it is a one on one situation"
E. Rigby