Year 8 Christmas Chocolate collection

Mrs Lee, Assistant Head of Year 8 took a group of 14 x Year 8 students around to several departments of our local Emergency Services yesterday.


A few weeks ago, as a result of watching a television programme based on paramedics working all over the Christmas and New Year period in shocking weather, away from their families and loved ones, Mrs Lee asked Year 8 students if they would donate selection boxes, biscuits and chocolate, so that these could be donated to all the local emergency services – Ambulance Depot, Fire Station, St Helens and Newton Police Station, Willowbrook Hospice and Whiston A & E department. It was our way of saying thank you for their service all over the Christmas period and for working and looking after us.


We were inundated with gifts from Year 8 students and yesterday we were able to visit all the above departments to deliver their hampers. EVERYONE we visited were overwhelmed and so very touched by their generosity. We managed to get a chat with one of the doctors on duty at Whiston, and although extremely busy he took the time to speak to the students, and told them that although his gift is saving lives and trying to make people well, it was our students' generosity and kindness that goes much further than anything they could do, and told them to always remain kind. They were so happy with us, and wanted to thank all our Year 8 students and their families.


Dr Andy Ashton, consultant in emergency medicine, said: “I would like to pay tribute to the children from St Cuthbert’s, their visit has really brought a smile to our staff.

"I told them that one of the greatest lessons anyone could ever have in life is that kindness is never wasted, and for teenagers to take time out and think of our staff like this, it really shows that they are growing into the caring and compassionate people we need within our community.”

Sharon Lee, Assistant Head of Year at St Cuthberts, added: “The kids were so excited to be visiting the emergency services staff and I am so incredibly proud of their generosity.

"I just wish we could have brought all of the students who have been so kind, but there would be over a hundred.

"They really are tremendous and myself and my colleague, Head of Year, Miss Feeney, can’t praise them enough.”

Whiston A & E delivery

Whiston A & E delivery

St Helens Fire Station delivery

St Helens Fire Station delivery

Ambulance Station delivery

Ambulance Station delivery

Police station delivery

Police station delivery

Willowbrook Hospice delivery

Willowbrook Hospice delivery


Our students really enjoyed delivering these gifts and representing not only the rest of the year group, but St Cuthbert's Catholic High School as a whole, performing their duty with pride, extreme politeness and respect, values we uphold throughout.


Thank you to PC Pender, Mr Hulme and Mr Lee for accompanying Mrs Lee to all the locations visited and for ensuring the group travelled safely.


Mrs Lee would like to say a huge thank you to all of those Year 8 students who were so kind and generous with their donations.

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