Sheffield Hallam University are asking all students and staff in secondary schools across England to complete a short survey and tell them what they think about PE and school sport.
The research involves hearing what you think about your PE lessons, school sport and the opportunities to be active during school using a simple survey that will take about five minutes to complete.
Do you have to take part?
No. It is up to you and your parent/carer to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part:
1. Talk about it with your parent/carer, between you, you need to agree that you can take part.
2. Keep this information sheet.
3. Even if you say “yes” now, you can change your mind at any time before completing the survey and you don’t have to give a reason.
Will your participation in the study be kept secret?
All information collected about you will be kept secret and will be kept secure by Sheffield Hallam University. We will destroy it five years after the completion of the study.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The results from this study will help us work out how to provide more opportunity for secondary school students to be active during the school day and how PE lessons can be made better. Your involvement in the study will help Sport England and the Secondary Teacher Training Consortium decide on policies for the improvement of PE and physical activity for children and young people.
More information is available in this information sheet.