#EverydayFirstAid by the British Red Cross

#EverydayFirstAid by the British Red Cross

Essential #EverydayFirstAid for Year 8 Students



As part of PSHE and Citizenship, some of our Year 8 students had the opportunity of taking part in an #EverydayFirstAid session with the British Red Cross. 

By learning and practising their first aid skills they used simple steps and key actions which will now be relevant in their everyday lives.

This is so they now have the confidence and willingness to act if they are ever faced with a first aid situation.




They were shown how to deal with when someone is unresponsive and is breathing or not. 



The students were then shown how to give the 7 essential steps of CPR.



This type of session makes a vital contribution in supporting our young people to respond positively whilst also developing strategies to minimise harm in situations in an emergency situation.


Through discussion and debate they also talked about why sometimes people can feel unable to help in certain emergencies. They then explored why this might be the case and how to overcome this.