We are asking everyone at St Cuthbert's to join together to say a HUGE thank you to their teachers and support staff at their school for their amazing work, not only in these challenging times but all year round.
Do you have a STAR teacher? Do you miss seeing them every day? This 'Thank A Teacher Day' let’s take the opportunity to say thank you to all our amazing teachers and support staff, who are doing a star job each and every day.
Share your message of thanks with us by next week, ideally in a video clip, or in an expression of your choosing. Our theme this year is a star. How creative can you be?
The aim is to get as many messages of thanks and some great stories about the teachers and support staff who are being thanked so we can share them with the whole country on National Thank a Teacher Day on May 20th.
Either tag 'Thank A Teacher' on social media - Twitter (@UKThankATeacher) or Facebook (@ThankATeacherUK) or email us on info@teachingawards.com. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #HowWillYouSayThankYou #ThankATeacher
You can also send your teacher a free e-card.
Download and colour in a Thank A Teacher Day poster .
Download a blank Thank A Teacher Day star to write a thank you or a poem
Download our Toolkit