Empathy Day 2020 - How to Celebrate at Home
What is Empathy?
Empathy is a core life skill and a vital human force as it is believed to create happier children, stronger communities and a better world. We've never needed it more than right now.
Neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers are changing our understanding of how empathy works all the time. Most agree that:
- empathy involves multiple aspects of our physiology – from mirror neurons to our endocrine system
- empathy is made up of three main elements: emotional/affective empathy where we literally resonate with someone else’s feelings; cognitive empathy or perspective taking where we apply reason to working out how someone else feels; empathic concern which is a powerful motivator for helping others, a force for social justice.
What is Empathy Day?
Today, on the 9th June, Empathy Lab will be hosting Empathy Day to help everyone understand and experience the power of empathy through books. Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people's feelings.
Throughout the day, they'll be running brilliant online events and fun home-based activities to help children read, connect and act using empathy. Authors, illustrators, schools, libraries, and families across the UK will be taking part and we'd love for you to join in!
Take a look at the rundown for the day below:
Click the links below to access the different activities at home
Empathy Activity Packs
Empathy Awards
Empathy Short Stories
Empathy Spotter
Empathy Through A Character's Eyes
#EmpathyDay - Read stories. Build empathy. Make a better world.