Vote for your 2020-21 Senior Team

Vote for your 2020-21 Senior Team

Senior Team 2020-21 - Who will they be?

Students are encouraged to put themselves forward to become members of the Senior Team; prized positions of responsibility for students in Year 11.


The time has come for the election of our Senior Team for 2020-2021. This year this will be done remotely and every student and every member of staff are entitled to a vote. It is very important that you familiarise yourself with the outstanding posters that candidates have produced to ensure you make the best choice possible. You need to choose the best two candidates that you feel would be suitable for the role.


To vote, you need to click on the link at the bottom of this page and add your school username and password. Once you have done this choose the best two candidates.

Voting will be open from Monday the 22nd of June and will close on Friday 3rd of July at 2:40.  Candidates will be informed of the result on Monday 6th July 2020


See the list of students below who have applied for the upcoming year of 2020-21's Senior Team, take a look at their pledges and see who you want to vote for - students are listed in alphabetical order.



"I want to be Headgirl to help myself and others grow; I will listen to you and strive for positive change."

Click on Caitlyn's photo to see their pledge.



"You can count on me as Headboy to be a role model and mentor for younger students as well as listen to people's problems and offer help." 

Click on Daniel's photo to see their pledge.



"As your Headgirl I would like to keep the school environment safe for everyone and provide monthly rewards for ATLs."

Click on Darcie's photo to see their pledge.



"To the team I can bring my knowledge with pressing concerns or questions, my enthusiasm when helping others, my consistency and my confidence in speaking out."

Click on Emma's photo to see their pledge.



"I want to help represent you as students and your great ideas and change our school for the better and to show you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to be the most successful!"

Click on Harry's photo to see their pledge.



"I am dedicated to contributing to the future of our school and I plan to encourage and support every single student regardless of their skin colour, as your skin colour doesn't define you as a human but how you treat others."

Click on Heleyna's photo to see their pledge.



"My aim as Headgirl would be to encourage others to follow their dreams while being a good role model and inspiration."

Click on Holly's photo to see their pledge.



"I want to help make everyone's time at St Cuthbert's that little bit more positive. I want to be the voice of the people who aren't heard."

Click on Isabelle's photo to see their pledge.



"I am a great listener and speaker and I want to encourage students to voice their ideas."

Click on Jessica's photo to see their pledge. 



"I'm versatile. I have been inspired by many people in my life and it's now my turn to be that person that inspires."

Click on Josh's photo to see their pledge.



"St Cuthbert's has allowed me to grow into a confident student and I feel I want to give something back."

Click on Liberty's photo to see their pledge.



"I would feel honoured to be chosen as part of the Senior Team this year because I like a challenge and I could not think of a more rewarding way to conclude my final year at St Cuthbert's."

Click on Marissa's photo to see their pledge.



"As part of the senior team, I would bring many assets to the role, I have very strong opinions on the wellbeing of younger students who attend St. Cuthbert's. This would be one of my main priorities as a member of the team."

Click on Megan's photo to see their pledge.



"My ideas to make the school better is to champion equal opportunities, regarding culture, ability, sexuality, disability and to promote diversity."

Click on Megan's photo to see their pledge.



"Vote for me to be on the Senior Team because I am always responsible and extremely committed."

Click on Phoebe's photo to see their pledge.



"I want to be part of the senior team because I would like to set an example for all students and for the new Year 7s that we are going to welcome soon.  I want to help make changes for the better, look out for all the students and be their voice.

Click on Tansy's photo to see their pledge.




Voting has now closed.  Thank you to everyone who voted.