Career Chat with Mrs Twist
Day 1
Name: Mrs C. Twist
What is your role and how long have you been at St Cuthbert's?
"I’ve been lucky to be Headteacher at St Cuthbert’s since 2015 but started here in 2006 as Head of the Science department.
Give us a brief history of your career journey so far.
"My career started as a school Laboratory Technician in a school close by. That’s where I met and married my husband before training to be a Physics teacher. I was fortunate to get my first teaching post back at the same school where I stayed for many years and was Head of Year and Exams Officer as well as teaching sciences. I spotted the job at St Cuthbert’s quite by accident, came to look round and applied straight away. Since then I have led Science and Maths (for a short time), was Assistant Headteacher and then Deputy until my appointment as the Head of this fabulous school."
What would you say is your proudest moment?
"Can I have two? At 8.30am on Wednesday 2nd September 2015 when I stood in the Sports Hall in front of the whole school, for their first assembly of the year and mine, as the very proud Head of St Cuthbert’s. And secondly, 6.45pm on 21st September 2016 when the Ofsted inspectors confirmed that they agreed that we were (and still are) a good school!"
What do you #ChooseToChallenge?
I #ChooseToChallenge inequality of opportunity or outcome based on discrimination, be that gender, race, faith or place in society."
Day 2
Name: Miss Anderson
What is your role and how long have you been at St Cuthbert's?
"I am Assistant Headteacher for teaching and learning and professional development. I am also a teacher of Drama. This is my sixteenth year at St. Cuthbert’s. I started my career here in 2004 as a newly qualified teacher and I fell in love with the school’s ethos, sense of community, students and staff.
Give us a brief history of your career journey so far.
"I’ve been incredibly lucky to have been given a variety of opportunities at St. Cuthbert’s throughout my career. I started as a Drama Teacher in 2004 as an NQT. I have always been extremely passionate about my subject and what it can offer, and I had always wanted to instil that in others. In 2006, I became Assistant Head of Unity House. A role that gave me valuable insight into the importance of pastoral care in helping students grow, personally and academically. My next step was to Head of House, quickly followed by Head of Year 11 and Senior Head of Year, a role that offered further developments as deputy safeguarding lead and looked after children lead. In 2016, I was appointed in my current role as Assistant Headteacher.
What would you say is your proudest moment?
"Too many to recall! Being a Teacher makes me proud generally, every single day. I see it as a privilege to be part of educating young people and helping them to grow. I have been at the school long enough to see 3 whole cohorts of young people go through their secondary school journey. Results day and Prom are both some of the highlights of the school year for me, as they both fill me with immense pride. Both of these events are always a real celebration of what fantastic students we have helped to mould as they start the next stage of their education and lives.
What do you #ChooseToChallenge?
"I #ChooseToChallenge gender inequality. Many females in professional roles suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ which is when someone feels they are not qualified or good enough. Males are far more likely to go for roles, take opportunities and display self belief than females are when it comes to their professional lives.
"The message I would like our young people to take from this is to believe in yourself. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, what race you are, what your background is - you all have access to the same opportunities, so take them!"
Day 3
Name: Mrs Jackson
What is your role at school?
Curriculum Leader for PE and Health and Social Care and BTEC Quality Nominee.
How long you have been at St Cuthbert’s?
5 months.
Brief history of your career.
I have been a PE teacher since 2001 and spent 19 years at my previous school. I held the roles of Primary Liaison, Head of PE and Head of Faculty there before taking the plunge and leaving for a new challenge at St Cuthberts!
What is one of your proudest moments in your career?
I have lots of proud moments, but it's always the students I teach that make me proudest - particularly when I see them develop into mature individuals. I have always been really proud of the Sports Leaders I have taught in the past, watching them take control and thrive in a leadership situation.
What would you #ChooseToChallenge?
I choose to challenge gender inequality, particularly in sport where media coverage tends to be dominated by male sport and female sports stars are often paid less than their male counterparts (getting better, but we're not there yet).
Day 4
Name: Miss Maysmor
What is your role at school?
Science Curriculum Leader
How long you have been at St Cuthbert’s?
Since September 2019
Brief history of your career.
After studying for A levels in Sciences and Maths, I continued my study of science at the University of Liverpool, where I achieved an honours degree in Bioveterinary Science. This is a Biology based degree that studies the anatomy and physiology of all animals, including humans. It gave me the opportunity to develop scientific research skills in an industry-based setting. Whilst I enjoyed studying and researching in a laboratory, I couldn’t help but think how wonderful it would be to share my knowledge and passion for science with others. This is when I decided to become a teacher. Upon achieving my degree, I immediately embarked on my career to become a science teacher and I haven’t looked back since.
What is one of your proudest moments in your career?
The proudest moment for me is always GCSE Results Day, it is wonderful to see students fulfilling their potential and fills me with pride to think that I have supported them to feel inspired by Science. It is even more inspiring when students tell me that they intend to study science further or pursue a scientific career.
What would you #ChooseToChallenge?
I often hear people say, ‘Boys are good at Physics because they are good at Maths, too’. I #ChooseToChallenge this. Why shouldn’t we say, ‘Everybody can be better at Physics if they use their Maths knowledge to help them’? Why should we accept that we should be limited to certain skills based on our gender? It is time that society embraced this by challenging the gender bias that exists in the field of STEM so that we can work towards a more inclusive society where everybody’s talents are celebrated.