We are a school at the heart of its community. We are a school with students who flourish as a result of the attentiveness to their needs and support given by all our staff. We are a school with students who are confident to take full responsibility for themselves and their actions and are quick to praise and celebrate the achievements of others. We are a school that works together as a Christian family to live the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to love God and our neighbour.
“Treat others as you would like to be treated!” (Matthew 7:12)
St Cuthbert’s is a Catholic High School, in which students, staff, governors and friends will work together as a Christian family to live the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to love God and our neighbour (Mark 12:29-31) by:
A vibrant community, uniquely created by God, which embraces everyone, especially those in need and celebrates difference. Enabled by a staff, dedicated to our Catholic ethos and a culture of excellence, our young people will be inspired to know more, and be more.