Here at St Cuthbert’s, students and staff are well known for getting involved in community and charity activities.
These include on-going fundraising activities, supporting local food banks, and our friendship with the local care homes which sees our students volunteering at special occasions such as Christmas and Easter.
We are also proud supporters of Willowbrook Hospice.
“Pupils are encouraged to be respectful and think of others, particularly through the assembly programme. There are plenty of opportunities for pupils to turn these thoughts into actions, for example, by volunteering and fund-raising. In many ways, the work the school does is preparing pupils well for life in modern Britain.” Ofsted, September 2016
Our facilities are open for hire, from our well-equipped Sports Hall to our FA Approved 3G Pitch, as well as our ‘state of the art’ Food Room and classrooms to a brand new Drama Studio. We welcome our whole community to use our hire facilities for a range of events and activities.
We are more than a school.