

We are proud to announce that our Governing Body is Governor Mark nationally awarded. It is a kite mark which provides external evaluation of the quality of governance in a school.

“Governance is very strong. The chair of governors and his team have a deep knowledge of the school and have played a considerable part in bringing about the recent improvements.” Ofsted, September 2016

Instrument of Government

  1. The name of the school is St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School.
  2. The school is a maintained school, foundation voluntary aided.
  3. The name of the governing body is “The Governing Board of St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School”.
  4. The governing board shall consist of
    (a) 2 parent Governors
    (b) 1 LA Governor
    (c) 1 Staff Governor
    (d) 1 Headteacher Governor
    (e) 7 Foundation Governors
  5. Total number of Governors is 12 (plus 1 Associate Governor).
  6. The term of office for every Governor is 4 years.
  7. The Archdiocese in consultation with the governors is entitled to appoint foundation governors.
  8. St Cuthbert’s is a Catholic High School, in which students, staff, governors and friends will work together as a Christian family to live the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to love God and our neighbour (Mark 12:29-31).
  9. This Instrument of Government comes into effect on 30th June 2015.
  10. This Instrument of Government was made by order of St Helens Local Authority in July 2015.


Information about our Governors:

Governor Name Designation Business Interest  Date   appointed  Date up for   re-election
Fr. Philip Swanson Chairman/Foundation Governor Chair of Governors at St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School, St Helens  01/09/2008










Mr. Stuart Holland Headteacher/Teacher Governor Headteacher at St Cuthbert’s  01/09/2024  


Mrs. Michelle Harrison Foundation Governor  21/05/2024  20/05/2028
Mrs. Patricia St Pier Foundation Governor Retired Headteacher  01/09/2021 31/08/2025
Mrs. Paula Thompson Foundation Governor Civil Servant  11/12/2012








Mrs. Christine Williams Foundation Governor Retired  07/11/2022  06/11/2026
Mr. Paul Winstanley Foundation Governor Retired  01/09/2008










VACANCY Foundation Governor
Ms. Judith Godley LA Governor Retired  01/11/2011








Mrs. Shirley Nield Parent Governor Local Authority Clerk

Vice-Chair of Governors at Primary School, St Helens

 28/03/2022  27/03/2026
Miss. Joanne Grimes Staff Governor Deputy Headteacher at St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School  05/11/2019




Ms E. Earps Parent Governor Teacher  29/03/2023  28/03/2027

No governors have a pecuniary interest in the school.  All governors are unpaid volunteers.

Governors’ Attendance record at Governing Board and Committee Meetings 2021/2022

Click here to view


Governors’ Attendance record at Governing Board and Committee Meetings 2020/2021

Click here to view

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