Ms Alhadad Teacher of Art & Social Media Co-ordinator
Miss Anam Teacher of Food
Miss Anderson Assistant Headteacher and Teacher of Drama
Mr Arkell Head of Year 10 and Teacher of PE
Mrs Arnold Teacher of Maths/English (SEND)
Miss Atherton Learning Assistant
Mr Austin Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs Barker-Knowles Teacher of Science
Mrs Barrett Assistant Headteacher SENCO and Teacher of ML
Mrs Baxter Learning Assistant
Mrs Bayley Teacher of Science
Mr Booth School Business Manager
Miss Bourne Learning Assistant
Ms Bowyer Learning Assistant Level 3 – Behaviour Support Team
Miss Branche Learning Assistant
Mr Bredbury Second in charge of English (Maternity cover)
Mrs Brookes Behaviour Support Base Manager
Mrs Brown Curriculum Leader History
Ms Bui Learning Assistant
Miss Burke Teacher of RE
Mrs Carney Curriculum Leader English and Whole School Literacy Lead
Miss Carter Teacher of English
Mrs Carvill Assistant Head of Year 11
Mrs Cleary HLTA Behaviour Support Base
Mr Connell Teacher of Computing and Business
Mrs Connor Home-School Attendance Officer
Mrs Conrad-Hand Finance Manager
Mr Costello HLTA Behaviour Support Base
Mr Daly Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs Daly Teacher of English (Maternity cover)
Mrs Dawber Head of Year 7 (Transition) and Teacher of History
Mrs Dixon Curriculum Leader Expressive Art
Mr Farnen Caretaker
Miss Feeney Teacher of English
Miss Fletcher Teacher of Science (MAT leave)
Mrs Fogarty Learning Assistant
Mrs Freeman Curriculum Leader IT and Computing
Miss Gallagher Learning Assistant Level 3 – Behaviour Support Team
Mrs Geden PA to the Headteacher & SLT
Mr Gilbert Cover Supervisor
Mrs Gordon Curriculum Leader Mathematics
Mrs Green Learning Assistant
Miss Grimes Deputy Headteacher and Teacher of History
Mrs Groves Learning Assistant
Mis Hagan Learning Assistant
Ms Atherton Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Hardman Assistant LAC Co-ordinator
Miss Haycock Learning Assistant
Mr Heywood Assistant Head of Year 7
Mrs Holden-Locke Curriculum Leader Technology and Food
Mr Holland Headteacher
Miss Howard Cover Supervisor
Mrs Hudson Curriculum Leader Modern Languages
Mrs Hughes General Assistant
Mr Hulme Caretaker
Mrs Hunt Learning Mentor
Mrs Hunter Assistant Head of Year 10
Mrs Irvine Early Help Support Worker
Mr Irwin PE Technician
Mrs Jacks Teacher of Science
Staff Name Role Staff Code
Mrs Jaundrill Medical Assistant
Miss Jeffers Student Counsellor
Miss Jenkins LAC Co-ordinator
Mrs Johnson Teacher of RE KJN
Mr Jones Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs Jones PP and Careers Lead and Teacher of Modern Languages
Mrs Kay Clerical Officer
Mr Kersey-Brown Curriculum Leader Art
Mr Kevlin Site Manager
Mrs Kidman Teacher of English
Miss Lam Learning Assistant
Miss Lamb Librarian and Academic Mentor
Miss Langan Curriculum Leader Geography
Mrs Larkin Deputy Headteacher and Teacher of English
Mrs Lee Assistant Head of Year 9
Mr Liptrot Second in charge of Science
Miss Lomax Teacher of Geography
Miss Macavoy Learning Assistant
Mr Maloney Teacher of English
Mrs Marsh Curriculum Leader Science
Mrs Marshall Teacher of Science
Mr McAuley Assistant Headteacher and Teacher of History
Mrs McCormack Assistant Head of Year 8
Mrs McDonagh Curriculum Leader RE with Strategic Lead for Catholic Life
Mr Mearns Curriculum Leader PE, H&SC and BTEC QN
Miss Moa Head of Year 11 and Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs Molyneux Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Morris Academic Mentor – Inclusion and Literacy
Mrs Moss Learning Assistant
Miss Noonan Office Manager
Mrs Norton Senior Science Technician
Mrs O’Brien Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Parkinson Teacher of Expressive Arts and RE
Mr Patten Teacher of RE
Mr Pearson Caretaker
Miss Pike Teacher of Science (Maternity cover)
Mr Platt Head of Year 9 and Teacher of PE
Mr Poland Teacher of Technology
Mrs Relf Teacher of Maths/English (SEND)
Mrs Seddon Data, Assessment and Examinations Officer
Mrs Sharples Second in charge of English (MAT Leave)
Miss Sharples Clerical Officer
Miss Shaw Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Spark Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Spencer Teacher of Mathematics
Miss Stephenson Technology Technician
Mrs Stott SEN Support Officer
Mrs Stranack Teacher of English
Mrs Taylor Teacher of PE
Miss Thompson-Lee Learning Assistant
Mr Thorpe Teacher of Geography
Mrs Tierney Learning Assistant
Mr Waine Clerical Officer: Finance
Mr Walker Head of Year 8 and Teacher of Science
Ms Ward Associate Assistant Headteacher PD and Teacher of PE
Mrs Weights Second in charge of Religious Education
Mrs Weir Second in charge of Mathematics
Miss Whitehead Learning Assistant
Mrs Whitehead Learning Assistant
Miss Wilson Art Technician
Mrs Wilson Attendance Officer