Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education

We begin our RSE education very early on in school, firstly by developing relationships with staff right from primary school where sessions are delivered to Year 5 and 6 students. Induction days are then an opportunity for future students to get to know staff and meet their Form Tutors.

Form Tutors see students daily and maintain positive relationships with students. Personal development (PD) is also threaded through the curriculum and delivered across the school once per fortnight which supports a range of topics linked to RSHE. We currently use the archdiocese approved resources from Ten:Ten to deliver RSHE in our PD lessons.

Relationships between students and staff are paramount to life here at St Cuthbert’s and we pride ourselves on developing these with our students so that we maintain our ethos of becoming one big family. We also want students to understand that relationships are important prior to any intimacy, which may occur later on in life.

There are other subjects, which link into the RSE topics and staff are trained to enable them to feel confident in delivering the Catholic message as well as developing students’ life skills. Subjects currently delivering these aspects are Science, Drama, English and Religious Education.

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