Food Preparation & Nutrition

Curriculum Intent

‘First we eat, then we do everything else.’ M.F.K Fisher

“Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”- John 6:35

Food Preparation and Nutrition at St Cuthbert’s equips learners with the knowledge, understanding, and skills required to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating.  We aim to inspire in the students a passion to prepare and create a variety of foods with confidence and independence, encouraging awareness of food choices and the resulting effects on our health now and later in life. High quality food education makes an essential contribution to the moral, cultural, health and well-being of the nation.

The subject is compulsory in years 7-9. GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is then studied in Year 10 and 11 as a GCSE option. This course is 50% non-exam assessment and 50% written exam paper. Our non-exam assessment is split into two tasks that both have a written and a practical element.  By studying this subject, students will improve their cooking skills, develop skills in time management, teamwork and organisation.  Theory and practical elements can be applied to a variety of careers and the curriculum considers the improving local economy and labour market.


Curriculum Rationale – Food
Curriculum Overview – Food

End Points Document – Food