
Curriculum Intent

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.’ – (Department for Education, National Curriculum)

‘Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord’ – Ephesians 5:19


In Music we want our students to have a well-rounded personality. We explore skills and interests which are then transferred to support them in their development as a person. Research has shown that students who study Music develop all areas of their brains, enhancing their skills in other areas. Students are able to have a better understanding of things and are able to solve problems in a timely and effective manner and can express themselves wholeheartedly. We look to build their confidence, self- regard, their leadership and relationships with themselves and others. It is worth noting too, that that music education at our school aims to build other skills and qualities in students, such as confidence and resilience. We also have numerous extra-curricular activities; however, this document only covers the progression of the core music curriculum. Our Music Curriculum is used effectively to develop oracy skills; students listen to compositions and speak for a specific purpose, appraising what they have heard using technical musical vocabulary. With careful planning, music is also used to achieve high standards in literacy through writing lyrics and turning poetry into song. Numeracy and music have been linked together as far back to mediaeval times.

It is our intention in Music to show our learners how they can continue their passion and development in Music. In KS3 we discuss how Music is used around the world, through practical, composition and how it is used in other cultures. We explore how technology has developed music and how music affects a wide range of employment. As students develop in music through the years we study careers and scenarios, linked to BTEC, so students can study in ‘real life’ settings.

As teachers, as well as developing well rounded learners, it is important for us to teach our students how to be compassionate. We do this by encouraging our students to support each through developing their practical skills as a group, our aim is to encourage our students to be kind and compassionate to each other, supporting each other through the process. Compassion is a way of life; it is genuine, sincere and from the heart. It is the acknowledgement of the value of another person. It is the desire to make the human experience better not only for ourselves but also for everyone else in our local, national and international communities. As a department we study a range of musicians through the decades who have shown compassion to others. It is the embodiment of our faith and life in the department.

In Music we believe a well sequenced and engaging progressive curriculum is the foundation upon which excellent learning and development is built. Our Music department are experts and we carefully construct a curriculum that promotes a deep understanding of a wide range of topics. Skills, knowledge and understanding are developed throughout each SoL. The SoL follows a rhythm of learning and review that ensures that students make rapid progress by responding appropriately to teachers’ feedback, whether that be written or verbal. Each SoL builds on prior learning. The teacher explains how the learning links with previous learning and supports the learning to come.



Curriculum Rationale – Music
Curriculum Overview – Music
Curriculum End Points – Music

Music Development Plan – October 2024