
Curriculum Intent

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
Flora Lewis

God can reveal himself to people in and through any language, and no speech or language is foreign to him (Ps. 19:3). This fact should encourage us to teach and learn various languages.

Our aim is to ensure that learning to communicate effectively in a foreign language will open up students’ minds, create strong, inquisitive, independent individuals who have positive perceptions of themselves as language learners. We aim to do this by promoting our school Catholic ethos, and foster a passion for and appreciation of other people’s, cultures and literature, within socio-historical and geographical contexts. Language learning enhances overall literacy and communication skills, both verbal and written, in both the target language and English. As a result, students are equipped with the thinking skills to develop their knowledge and understanding of the complexities of language learning and are able to learn any new foreign languages in the future, as the opportunity arises. As a department, we work on the basis that we provide opportunities for Languages for All, no matter their starting point, background or ability.

At St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, students focus on the four key skills of language learning: listening, reading, speaking and writing. Spanish isn’t simply a curriculum area; it enables students to communicate effectively, developing skills that will follow them through life, which will prepare them for life after school.



Curriculum Rationale – Spanish
Curriculum Overview – Spanish

Curriculum End Points – Spanish