The theme of the retreat was ‘building bridges.’
The young people were challenged to go out of their comfort zone by participating in a number of different large group and small group activities. Some of the activities they took part in included drama, games, competitions, music workshops, making their own haka, a hike to visit Old Nancy on the hills of Bollington and a disco.
The programme was carefully designed to help our students build bridges as a group and to consider how they can build bridges within their families, in school and in the wider world.
The Year 8s were encouraged to think about how they can repair and build a bridge between others, themselves and God through experiencing the Sacrament of Reconciliation, through prayer and meditation and by planning and preparing a very special group Mass that everyone contributed to.
Our students got to ‘live life in all its fullness’ whilst on retreat. Our hope is that their experience will stay with them and help them to grow and build bridges now and in the future.
What our students said…
‘I had a brilliant time at Savio House. I really enjoyed getting to know other people and taking part in many fun activities. I felt like I could really be me myself at Savio because it gave me the confidence to share my talents and gifts. I especially loved taking part in the drama at Mass and going in the games room to socialise with my friends. The disco was also good fun.’
‘I had the best time at Savio House. The house itself was really beautiful because it is set in gorgeous countryside. The hike on day one was really hard but the views from the top of the hill were worth the climb. The games room was great and the food was really good. I did not know what to expect from a retreat but it I did not have to worry. I got to think about who was important in my life and about how much support I have. It was interesting to hear about how God is always there to support me. This idea makes me feel comforted. The team there was really nice – they helped us to all get involved and have a good time. They even joined in with the snowball fight! I loved my time there and hope we get to go back again.’
‘Our Year 8 retreat to Savio House was very special. It was my first time staying away from home, so I was a bit nervous. As soon as we arrived the team were there to greet us with a big welcome. We got to go into the games room and then see our bedrooms. I began to relax straight away. The best bit about Savio House was the games we played like the team challenges. My team won on the second night. These helped us to get to know each other well and helped us to become a team. Something I enjoyed every night was writing in our diaries. This helped me to reflect on my days there. I will keep my diary forever! Something I learnt from Savio was to not be shy because I have got talents and I will always have people around me that care.’