Attendance Rewards and Sanctions

Rewarding good attendance and punctuality

From November, any student who has 100% attendance fortnightly will receive a R4 award on Class Charts (this equates to +10 positive points).

Individual year groups have continuous weekly rewards for attendance.

Attendance is taken into account in end of term and end of year rewards trips.

Sanctioning poor attendance/punctuality
We want to work together in a positive way to ensure your child is with us every school, on time. We will always use bespoke, supportive strategies to work with you to improve attendance and punctuality. However, like all schools we will apply sanctions as necessary if absences and lates are unauthorised. Attendance and punctuality is a serious issue and it would be remiss of us not to apply serious consequences when necessary.

Your child should be in school no later than 8.30am for Form. Form is very important as it is an opportunity for Literacy intervention, Personal Development sessions as well as daily Sacred Time and preparation for the day.

Fixed penalty notices:

A reminder that in conjunction with St Helens Education Welfare Service, a Fixed penalty notice will be issued for:

Further information about unauthorised absences can be found in our school attendance policy here.


Authorised (approved reasons) absences from school are shown below:

The School, LEA and Government are concerned about unauthorised or unacceptable absences. These include:

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Catholic Life
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Pastoral & SEND
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