How can parents/carers help?

Is my child too ill to attend school?

In most cases, we would recommend that if your child is feeling a little under the weather first thing in the morning that you encourage them to attend school, and we will monitor them throughout the day.

If their condition worsens, we will contact you to collect them. However, we understand that it can be a difficult decision to decide if your child is too ill to attend.

We want to share this guidance from the NHS to support you in your decision:
Is my child too ill for school? – NHS ( > 

If your child is absent:

It is a parent(s)/carer(s) responsibility to contact school before 9am on the first day of absence.

How to improve your child’s school attendance and where to get support

How to improve your child’s school attendance and where to get support – The Education Hub ( >

Attendance: How can parents/carers help?

We ask for the support of our parents/carers in supporting good attendance by:


Where absence is unavoidable, the School is very happy to ensure that work is provided so that our students do not fall behind in their progress.

Useful links
Catholic Life
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Pastoral & SEND
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