We have a dedicated team of staff at St Cuthbert’s who work on Attendance; we have 2 Attendance Officers, Pastoral Staff and Farne Staff, and we work closely with St Helens Education Welfare Services.
We offer a breakfast club from 8.00-8.30am offering free breakfast to all of our students.
We share your child’s attendance with them regularly and speak with them about the importance of good attendance.
We want your child here with us during the school day. Our Attendance staff are always happy to offer advice and support to students, parents and families on effective strategies for improving attendance. One example of this is the support that we can offer from our Academic Mentor to help close any gaps in knowledge that your child may have if they have not attended regularly. If you would like more details please do not hesitate to contact School.
We offer rewards to encourage your child to attend regularly. These are termly, ending with an invitation to our rewards trip at the end of the year.