Head’s Welcome

A warm welcome to St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School.

A warm welcome to St. Cuthbert’s.  It is a privilege to introduce myself as Headteacher of St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School.

We are a Catholic 11-16 High School in the heart of the community and wonderful things happen at our school every day.  Our school has a rich, exciting, broad and balanced curriculum which is expertly sequenced to get the very best from our students.  Our teaching and learning is high quality and research-led, and our Pastoral support ensures that all of our children are happy, safe and cared for.

At St. Cuthbert’s we challenge our whole school family to live out our core values (which are based on the Gospel Values), every day.  We teach our students to have the courage to stand up for what is right, the commitment to know more and be more, the compassion to respect and understand others, and the challenge to work together as one community.

We are proud that our school is well known for its care and recognition of each individual child, its warmth of relationships and its academic excellence irrespective of ability.  We are determined to develop the whole child at St. Cuthbert’s through our strong Personal Development offer, along with a vibrant extra-curricular and educational visits programme.

Our Vision is clear and our Mission is lived out daily.  We are a school where everyone is valued, where everyone matters and where everyone is encouraged to ‘live life in all its fulness’ (John 10:10)

St. Cuthbert’s is truly more than a school.

If you have any questions about our school please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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