Mission, Vision & Values

Our Motto

Live life in all its fullness

John 10:10


Our Mission

St Cuthbert’s is a Catholic High School, in which students, staff, governors and friends will work together as a Christian family to live the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to love God and our neighbour (Mark 12:29-31) by:

learning to know and accept the love of God by the way we treat each other and work together (Matthew 7:12)

respecting and embracing all cultures and recognising that as individuals we are unique (Genesis 1:26)

providing the best education for all students and helping them to live life in all
its fullness (John 10:10)

accepting the support of those in our community who work for the good of the school (Luke 10:25-37)

developing the gifts, talents and aspirations of all students and staff (Matthew 25:14-30)

reaching out to those who need our help in our world (Mark 1:39-42)

protecting and takin pride in all aspects of our environment so that we become stewards of God’s creation (Psalm 8)

Our Vision and Values

Our Values





Our Vision

A vibrant community uniquely created by God, which embraces everyone, especially those in need and celebrates difference. Enabled by a staff dedicated to our Catholic ethos and a culture of excellence, our young people will be
inspired to know more, and be more.

Our School Prayer

Dear God,

We ask for the compassion to care for each other,
the commitment to strive for excellence,
and the courage to do the right thing.
Help us to build a community where
everyone can live life to the full.

St. Cuthbert, pray for us.


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Catholic Life
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Pastoral & SEND
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