School Rules
“The behaviour of students is good. Students are polite and friendly, and behave very well around the school. During break- and lunchtime, whether socialising inside or outside, their behaviour is mature and calm and they interact well with each other and staff.” Ofsted, September 2016

All students of St Cuthbert’s should aim towards high standards of achievement and behaviour.
- Treat others as you would like to be treated (Matthew 7:12).
- Be tolerant and try to understand other people’s point of view.
- Students must behave responsibly, sensibly, politely and with common sense at all times.
- Students must always try their best. Disruptive behaviour during lessons is a serious offence and will not be tolerated.
- Take pride in yourself and your school by acting in a manner which brings credit to yourself and enhances the reputation of the school.
- Any form of bullying, violent behaviour, racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic abuse will not be tolerated and any student who behaves in this way is liable to fixed term or permanent exclusion.
- Arrive to school on time.
- Be punctual to lessons, bring all necessary equipment and make it as easy as possible for teachers to teach and students to learn.
- Wear your uniform correctly at all times and with pride. Students must adhere to school uniform regulations. This includes bringing a school bag every day.
- Mobile phones must be switched off throughout the day and not used to contact parents/carers without permission from a member of staff. Use of a phone in school will lead to sanctions being taken.
- Students must not bring any items into school which are valuable. School will not take any responsibility for valuable items lost or damaged.
- Students must respect the property of others. Any student, who damages the property of another student, or school property, will be expected to pay for such damage and disciplinary sanctions will be imposed if appropriate.
- Chewing Gum is prohibited.
- Fizzy and energy drinks are not allowed on school premises. Drinks of this kind will be confiscated.
- Use the bins provided for disposing of litter.
- Do not take food out of the dining room or café.
- Leave the toilets as you would wish to find them.
- Students must not leave school without permission, and without signing out.
- Students must not bring any item into school which places any individual at risk or harm.
- The possession of large items of confectionary is prohibited and the selling of items to other students will incur serious sanctions
- Tobacco, alcohol, vapes and illegal substances:
- The possession and/or consumption of alcohol by students is not permitted. A breach of this rule is most serious and renders the offending student liable to fixed term or permanent exclusion.
- Any student possessing any illegal substances is liable to immediate permanent exclusion.
- Smoking is prohibited on the school premises. This includes the use of e-cigarettes/vapes.
The school will report any illegal activities by a student to the appropriate authorities. Very serious breaches of the code could lead to referral to Governors. Parents of students involved in a serious incident will always be contacted.
The principles of this Code of Conduct apply when students are off the school premises and on their way to and from school.
If a student has an after school detention, 24 hours’ notice will usually be given to parents/carers via ClassCharts app, which all parents/carers should have downloaded. If they have any issues downloading or using the app, please contact school. The length of detention is usually 30 minutes after school. If students fail to attend this they will be issued with a one hour Senior Leadership detention on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday after school. Failure to comply with this could result in a Headteacher’s detention or time in the Behaviour Support Unit.